Learn C++ a general-purpose object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Learning C++ is a wise decision as it has highest job opportunities and salary.
Course Duration: 35 hours | Mode: Online | Timing: Flexible (Weekdays & Weekends)
What Will I Learn?
How to optimize a code
Problem solving approach.
Good understanding of Data and Information.
Object oriented concepts with real time examples.
Why designing is most important in a software.
Who Can Take This Course
Software Developer
Anyone looking for a job
Working Professionals
C++ Programming Language Course Enquiry
C++ Programming Language Course Description
UpGrad your career with coding skills
Jupiter Vidya provides high-quality training for C and C++ programming. We craft the content of the course in such a way that it matches the IT corporates requirements. Our instructors explain the real-time scenarios from basic to advance level that students can implement in their job. We aim at conceptual learning and make you expert in key topics which will definitely develop confidence within you to face job interviews. Here, instructors cooperate in each step of learning. So, join us today and experience simple learning.
C++ Programming Language Course Curriculum
- Evolution of Programming Language
- Structured Vs. Object Oriented Development
- Different IDE for C++ language
- Creating First Program
- Compilation Steps
- Different Data Types
- What is variable
- What is Constant
- Storage Classes
- Different Operators in C
- Evaluating of Expressions
- Type conversions
- Operators Precedence and Associativity
- Simple if statement
- If-else, else-if ladder, nested if
- Switch case
- While loop
- Do-while loop
- For loop
- Nested Loops
- Break and continue Statement
- Loops with Conditional Statement
- What is function and its use
- Types of function
- User defined functions
- Library functions
- Recursion
- Using Functions with Array and pointers
- Inline Function
- Address Operator (&) and Value at Address (*)
- Arrays, Pointers and Strings
- Pointers and functions
- Pointers and Arrays
- Pointers and Strings
- Pointers operations
- String functions
- Arrays and String
- Constant Pointers
- Wild Pointers
- Introduction
- Class Specification
- Accessing Class members
- Defining Class Members Function Inline and Outside
- Creating Objects
- Creating Array of Objects
- Hiding Class Members
- Passing Object as argument
- Returning Object from Function
- Empty Class
- Pointers and class
- Friend Classes and Friend Function
- Static Variable and Static Function
- Class, Object and Memory Basics
- Constructors
- Default and Parameterized Constructors
- Destructors
- Constructors Overloading
- Order of Constructors and Destructors
- Copy Constructors
- Introduction
- Unary Operator Overloading
- Operator Keyword
- Binary Operator Overloading
- Arithmetic Operators
- Data Conversion
- Why we need Inheritance
- How to Drive a new class from existing one
- Types of Inheritance
- Inheritance and Member Accessibility
- Constructors in Inheritance
- Destructors in Inheritance
- Abstracts Classes
- Object Composition (Delegation)
- What is Virtual Function
- Need of Virtual Function
- Pointers and Derived Class Object
- Creating a Virtual Function
- Destructors and Virtual Function
- Introduction
- File Stream Classes
- Opening and Closing of Files
- Testing for Errors
- File Modes
- File Pointers
- Sequential Access to a File
- Why we need Exception Handling
- Exception Handling Model
- Lists of Exception
- Handling Uncaught Exception
- Containers: list, vector, stack, queue, map, set etc.
- Functions
- Iterators
- Algorithms
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